위대한 걸작을 만들다
by Opus Educational Consultancy
1st case
2nd case
Initial Stage
Opus Output Stage
Initial Stage
Opus Output Stage
US Universities
Harvard University 이** Master's
한** Master's
Stanford University 이** Master's
한** Master's
University of Pennsylvania 안**
Cornell University 한**, 조**
Brown University 신**
Vanderbilt University 신**
Northwestern University 박**
Washington University in St. Louis 김**, 오**,
University of California, Los Angeles 오**
Tufts University 김**, 이**
University of Southern California 김**
New York University 김**, 김**,
Boarding Schools
Choate Rosemary Hall 한**
St. Paul's School 한**
Lawrenceville School 한**
Hotchkiss School 한**
Taft School 한**
Emma Willard School 박**
Asheville School 박**, 박**
US Universities
Havard University 이**
Princeton University 김**
Stanford University 이**
Duke University 황**
University of Pennsylvania 이**, 황**
Columbia University 이**
University of Chicago 이**
Cornell University 조**
Williams College 황**
Washington University in St. Louis 장**
Georgetown University 황**
Johns Hopkins University 황**
University of Michigan 조**
Carnegie Mellon University 장**
University of Southern California 이**, 조**,
Emory University 김**, 김**,
이**, 조**
Tufts University 김**
New York University 김**, 박**
Boston College 이**
Boston University 장**, 정**
Northeastern University 김**
Purdue University 조**, 장**
UC Berkeley 이**, 황**
UC Los Angeles 이**, 황**
UC Irvine 이**, 장**,
RISD 이**
Berklee College of Music 박**
UK Universities
Imperial College 최**
UCL 김**
King's College 최**
LSE 최**
Loughborough University 최**
Boarding Schools
Phillips Academy Andover 김**
Phillips Exeter Academy 김**
Hotchkiss School 김**
Groton School 김**
Loomis Chaffee School 한**
Lawrenceville School 김**
St. Paul's School 한**
Peddie School 한**
Blair Academy 한**
Mercersburg Academy 이**, 한**
Asheville School 이**, 한**
Western Reserve Academy 이**, 이**
Emma Willard School 이**, 이**
Westtown School 이**, 이**
Suffield Academy 이**, 이**
Ross School 이**
Other Awards
PUMaC 대회 4등
F=ma > USAPhO Qualified
JHU Global Health Leaders Conference
조**, 이**, 윤**
Stanford University Mathematics Camp 합격
조**, 윤**
Genius Olympiad Finalists
이**, 윤**, 김**, 오**, 조**, 황**
Odyssey of the Mind
윤**, 김**
IYAC 청소년 미술 뉴욕 전시 공모전 Gold Medal
National Classical Ethymology Exam (NCEE) Silver 수상
Juniper Young Writers Program 합격
USACO Bronze, Silver, Gold 수상
Genius Olympiad Gold Medal
금**, 조**
단 한 명의 학생만을 위한
맞춤형 전략과 로드맵 제시
똑같은 스토리로는 최종 합격 등용문을 통과할 수
없습니다. 학생 본인 만이 가진 스토리를 독창적으로 이끌어 내고, 최신 입시 트렌드를 반영하여 성공적이면서도 창의적인 Hook과 Theme를 개발합니다.
다양한 분야의 전문가들과의
협업으로 완성되는 스토리
풍부한 경험과 노하우를 지닌 OPUS만의 탑 클래스
전문가 라인업이 완성하는 결과물은 학생들의
드림스쿨과 원하는 전공에 맞춘 유니크한
아이덴티티를 완성해갑니다.
지금껏 한 번도 경험해보지
못한 가장 앞선 결과물
완성도는 물론, 디테일한 부분까지 세심하게 신경쓴 OPUS만의 원서와 에세이, 포트폴리오는 비교
불가합니다. 단 한 명의 학생을 위해 최고의 퀄리티로 분석하고 완성된 솔루션을 제시합니다.
OPUS Program
OPUS is committed to empowering students in STEM through a dynamic blend of mentorship and hands-on experience. With our guidance, students achieve impressive feats, such as authoring research papers and competing in Olympiad-level competitions like USACO, ACSL, USAMO, USABO, and more. With seasoned educators, OPUS drives students to not only compete at the highest levels but also develop a lifelong passion for learning and innovation.
Social Sciences
OPUS propels students to thrive in social sciences and business ventures by providing unparalleled opportunities. Through mentorship from industry experts, students gain access to entrepreneurship programs, collaborative projects, and innovative startups. Whether launching personal brands or competing in international contests, OPUS equips students with the tools and confidence to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape.
OPUS is devoted to nurturing talent in the arts and music, providing students with exceptional opportunities to showcase their creativity. Students compete in world-class music competitions, curate and host art gallery exhibitions, and build exceptional portfolios. OPUS offers a platform where passion meets opportunity, helping students refine their skills, achieve recognition, and craft portfolios that stand out on the global stage.
Writing & Humanities
OPUS is dedicated to cultivating excellence in writing and the humanities, offering students unparalleled mentorship from accomplished educators and writers from esteemed institutions such as Yale, Columbia, and NYU. With their guidance, students craft compelling novels, short stories, and essays that have garnered international recognition and awards. OPUS enables students to refine their analytic skills and explore their creative potential.
Special Talents
OPUS empowers students with the resources to pursue unique creative endeavors. From filming independent movies and documentaries to designing innovative mobile apps, OPUS enables students to bring their visions to life. With guidance from industry experts and access to cutting-edge technology, students learn to push boundaries and create projects that leave a lasting legacy.